World Milk Day | Stock Photos, Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Backgrounds, Symbol, Icons & png download free.

World Milk Day

World Milk Day is celebrated on 1st of June every year to publicist the activities related to milk consumption and milk industry. This initiative was taken by Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations to celebrate the contribution of milk industry towards health of people and also its economic contributions to the society. This day spreads awareness about nutrition benefits milk has and why should people preserve and take care of milk giving animals

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Who founded World Milk Day?

World Milk Day is an international day established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, which recognizes the importance of milk as a global food. This day is celebrated on 1 June every year since 2001.


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Milk contains all the nutrients necessary for the body

Milk is the best source of all the nutrients needed for the body, including calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, iron, potassium, folates, vitamin A, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B12, protein and good fat. You can remain energetic throughout the day by drinking a glass of milk.


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Here are some easy ways you can add more milk to your diet:

•  Enjoy a bowl of cereal with milk for breakfast.
• Use milk instead of water in your oatmeal.
•  Blend up a fruit smoothie using milk or yogurt as breakfast, a snack or dessert.
• Add milk to your morning cup of Joe.
• During lunch. replace juice or soda with a glass of plain or chocolate milk.

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