Happy Lohri festival of Punjab India Stock Photos, Greentings, Post, Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Background Icons & png for social media (Whatsapp, Facebood, Twiter, Instagram etc.) Download Download ...
Happy Lohri festival of Punjab India Stock Photos, Greentings, Post, Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Background Icons & png for social media (Whatsapp, Facebood, Twiter, Instagram etc.) Download Download ...
Lohri Every year Lohri festival is celebrated on 13th January. On this festival fire is worshipped. This is the time when Earth starts moving towards the sun marking the auspicious period of Uttarayan. This period is very important for the newly wed and the new born babies. On this day people ...
Makar Sankranti Makar Sankrant is a Hindu festival celebrated in almost all parts of India, Nepal and Bangladesh in many cultural forms. Download On MakarSakrant the sun starts to move towardsthe north, which signifies the decrease of cold.According to religious belief,Surya goes to the ...