International women’s day | Stock Photos, Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Backgrounds, Icons, Symbol & png by Graphics Pic

International women’s day, 8 March

Stock Photos, Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Backgrounds, Icons, Symbol & png by Graphics Pic

International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world on 8 March. It is a special day for women when they openly celebrate their independence.

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Social, political and economic rights of women are discussed on International Women’s Day. Along with this, how can women cooperate in the development of the country. So, various aspects are talked about their progress.






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International Women’s Day, how it started?

In the year 1908, 15000 women gathered in New York city and protested to reduce the hours of work, demanding salary and other rights henceforth this day was observed as National women’s day in United States. The idea of celebrating International Women’s Day was first introduced by Clara Jedkint of Germany in 1910. Clara Zedkint said that women from every country around the world should plan to celebrate International Day to put forth their views.



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Why is International Women’s Day celebrated on 8 March?

A conference was held following the idea of Clara Jedkint of Germany. 100 women from 17 countries attended this conference. All of them agreed to celebrate International Women’s Day. After which International Women’s Day was celebrated on 19 March 1911 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland. Later, in the year 1913, this date was changed to 8 March. In 1975, the United Nations celebrated International Women’s Day for the first time on 8 March.



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